The Globally Multidisciplinary Research and Education (GMREA) is a registered society for Research and Development Registration and Regulation of societies Act, 2012. GMREA is for Researchers and Professors to publish their research papers in UGC Approved Journals and Scopus Journals.GMREA is one point contact/ touch for a great deal of excellence and fellow journals are reviewed and checked in different fields of Sciences,Social Sciences,Engineering,Management Agriculture and Medical Sciences.Science and technological engagement in research can frame the best of this emerging international stage to publish papers coating their primary research or enlarged version of already published conference/journal papers, scholarly journals, academic articles, etc.
Being a member of an eco-friendly community, GMREA advocates and encourages publication of papers electronically in an online form and be a part of ‘GREEN revolution.’
GMREA also conducts International Conferences, Management Development Programmers and other events to enhance knowledge, skills, and the personal development of participants.
We offer a variety of services to care for you. If you have any questions please contact us today.
International Conference on Recent Trends and Innovations in Multidisciplinary Research (ICRTIMR-2020)
2nd International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology, Contemporary Management and Multidisciplinary Trends (ICAETCMMT)
20th June 2020, Kupondole, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal
We offer a variety of services to care for you. If you have any questions please contact us today.
Here are some glimpse of our International Conference on “Emerging Trends and Innovations in Social Sciences, Engineering, Management, Agriculture and Medical Sciences (SEMAM 2K19)” held on 26th April 2019.
GMREA worked as a publication partner in an international conference at the Land of Thunder Dragon- BHUTAN at 11th-12th June. The Theme of same was “Building Sustainable Communities: Growing the Green Economy”.
We got above 200 papers here. Congratulations to the team.
held at pratap COE,karnal,Haryana
in association with DEWS PUBLICATION
Some glimpses are
GMREA invites applications from all categories’ educational professionals like university Professors, Research Scholars, graduates and businessmen to participate and ensure their membership in GMREA.
There is a very simple process to be a member. Just fill out an application form and then submit. These associates are playing important role in conferences which being conducted at international level.