Conference and Event assistance is one of exceptional delivery support provided by GMREA. We are exceptionally/outstandingly committed in the direction of assisting the researchers, conference & event organizers. We are dedicated to make your conference & event a grand sensation.
- Planning the conference
- Banner/ Hoardings Advertising
- Invitation to papers from various academic institutions, organizations, university, etc.
- Invite speakers to show their talent
- Reviewing Papers with our professional experts
- Deliver ISBN
- Pre & Post Conference Cooperation.
- Publication Assistance
- Deliver the reports/contribution in both electronic and physical format on time with accuracy
GMREA is determined to guide/mentor you on a right track as we are a team of highly experienced and diversified spectrum of professors who can assist you at your Research Work at each step.
GMREA facilitates research workers and academic circles for their research study by offering the assistance from the global experts who are specialized in specific field and possess immense experience. We assist Graduates; Post graduates, Doctorates and Post-doctoral researchers for accomplishment of their higher education with remarkable and competent professional assistance along with Publication, Thesis and academic and visionary assistance.
For More details on Research and Development assistance, please feel free to contact us through email
Publication show a significant role in the life of researchers. GMREA offer a high paradigm vision to researchers to publish their research work in the universal platform. We provide an expert assistance in selecting the virtuous journal along with publication of the papers in the decorous appropriate path way by equipping highly exceptional publication service which includes journals, proceedings, transactions and periodicals.
We are publishing the journal which is available in the below indexes
- UGC Approved Journals
- Index Copernicus
- Google Scholar
- Scopus
- Thomson Reuters
- Pubmed
- Emerging science citation index
- Science citation index
- Open J Gate
- Genamics JournalSeek
- JournalTOCs
- WTI-Frankfurt
- Ulrich’s Periodicals Directory
- RefSeek
- Directory of Research Journal Indexing (DRJI)
- Hamdard University
- Publons and many more indexing are there
For More details about publication, please feel free to contact us through
GMREA provide research assistance to research scholars by conducting workshops, training session, coaching/mentoring, technology based learning, National and International conferences in the educational area. We are rendering suitable assistance to apply for the patent rights for the original and exceptional research. We are also assisting to acquire the research fund from the government agencies/ research firms for the reliable and trustworthy research work.
For More details on academic research assistance, please feel free to contact us through