International Conference on Advances in Engineering, Technology, Contemporary Management and Multidisciplinary Trends (ICAETCMMT) is a forum for presenting excellent results and new challenges facing in all fields of Engineering, Management and Social Sciences. It aims at bringing together the researchers, scientists, engineers, and scholar students in all areas of Engineering, Technology and provides an international forum for the dissemination of original research results, new ideas and practical development experiences which concentrate on both theory and practices.
The conference has the focus on the frontier topics in the Computer Science, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Management and all Social Sciences subjects. ICAETCMMT 2020 will be held during 20th June 2020 at PCPS College, Kupondole, Lalitpur, Kathmandu, Nepal. The conference is jointly organised by the Lord Buddha Education Foundation (LBEF Campus) and Globally Multidisciplinary Research and Education Association (GMREA)
- ICAETCMMT-2020 will be a perfect platform for Students to express their innovative thoughts and unique research work at a global platform.
- ICAETCMMT-2020 will provide scopes to Students to meet and interact with International Speakers and Scientists of National importance. Students can interact with session chairs related and working on relevant fields of their research.
- To further redefine their innovations Students can consider the advices and technical suggestions of our chairs.
- Students can publish their articles in reputed journals of International importance. Journals associated with ICAETCMMT-2020 conference are published in UGC, Scopus and Academia.
- Articles presented at ICAETCMMT-2020 will be available for citation at reputed Scientific repositories like Science Direct, Research pedia and Academic library.
Registration Category
At least one author of each accepted paper must be registered for the conference for that paper to appear in the proceedings and be scheduled for presentation. Participating members may register as per the following charges:Category
Category/Citizen Indian Nepali Other Foreigner Nationals Faculty Members 5000 INR 10000 NPR 200 USD Student & Research Scholars 4000 INR 6000 NPR 150 USD Listeners
(Industry Delegates)2000 INR 4000 NPR 100 USD *Extra 2000 INR for UGC Care/Listed Journal
**For scoupus Publications, Charges as per Journal will be charged
***Author can opt to publish in ISSN approved Journal “LBEF Research Journal of Science, Technology and Management” without any charges
Registration Guidelines
- Registered members are asked to intimate about the registration immediately
- After completion of registration fee process, participant are required to send the scan copy of the registration fee receipt or transaction proof to us on or before the last date of registration.
- Any modification in the paper will be not accepted after the final submission date.
- Maximum up to five authors / co-authors per paper are allowed. Per co-author fee of INR 1000/- will be charged extra.
- For Attending the conference Only 1 Author/Co-Author will be allowed if extra members are intrested to attend,extra Charges will be charged.
- No registration will be entertained after last date of registration.
Bank Details
Globally Multidisciplinary Research & Education Association
BANK NAME ICICI Bank Account Name GMREA Account number 073105002574 IFSC CODE ICIC0000731 Branch Shahabad, Markanda Country INDIA Mail Bank Statement
Once you have transferred the money mail the bank statement at (With your complete registration details)